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Open Shows 2021 Details


Otley Canine Society

Date: 27.07.21
Tummel: GS JD
Rannoch: GS GD
Judge: Mrs Christine Schofield (CWSSCWN)

Well we haven't been to a show in nearly 18 months then get 2 in a week. Today was in a huge open field. Very exciting and got to have a run round before we went in the ring.



Lignum Money Talks At Bratticus: A nice type of dog, of sound conformation, not as mature as the winner, He was little unsettled on the move, but, as many of the exhibits under 2 years old, he will have had little opportunity to gain any ring experience. 

Lignum Evolution At Bratticus: A nicely constructed boy with a pleasing outline, not quite the front angulation of 1st. Moved ok. 


Darwen Canine Society

Date: 18.12.21
Tummel: GS PG O
Rannoch: GS PG O
Judge: Mrs Colette Perkins (Silkridge/Brent)

Last show of the year for us boys today. It was very busy and there were lots of classes with many dogs before us. Daddy was bored waiting but then he got a bacon butty!

I really enjoyed strutting my stuff and so did Tummel. As we were both in the same classes, daddy had to show the little bro and then had a go at running him too. Mummy said daddy was good! Tummel was a bit heavy footed! I think I need to up my game!

I got 2 First red certificates and went BOB with a posh rosette. The bro got Reserve and 2nd certificates.



Lignum Money Talks At Bratticus – Finer overall than the class winner, although still not fully mature, this male has good breed type and has a pleasing outline. However, he is somewhat over exuberant on the move which spoils his shape and throws his footfall.

Evolution At Bratticus – Strong, masculine boy who won the class on his overall soundness. I would prefer more length to his muzzle and he could be tidier in front but he has some good qualities. He has a strong, muscular neck, sloping shoulders and a good turn of stifle. BOB

©2018 by Bratticus Gordons.

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