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Open Shows 2019 Details


Heywood & Ratcliffe Canine Society

Date: 06.01.19
Judge: Mr Alastair Moss

Mummy was pleased with me today as apparently, I got the trotting just right!!



"19 month old dog which lost out

partly on maturity today. Good head, neck and shoulders, with good depth of body for his age. Nicely angulated throughout and very happy on the move."


GOYT Valley Gundog Society

Date: 13.01.19
Class: GS PG
Judge:Mr Harry Nelson (Byeways)

One of those shows again where the other dogs were all big boys, at least 18 months older than me. We got a yellow certificate and mummy said I was still a good boy.


Merseyside Gundog Club

Date: 03.02.19
Class: GS PG
Judge: Mrs J.R. Baker (Ridleywood)

We arrived just in time for the class today as the traffic was really heavy. But, I was brushed and in we went asap, so I didn't get time for a little practice with mummy!! Daddy was not impressed.
Anyway, the other dogs in the class were much older than me, from one year to 5 years, so I felt I looked like a tiddler. Still, I did my stuff as I always do and the judge gave us a yellow rosette.
After, we went for a run on the field and I found lots of mud!! But, I did check with mummy and she said she still loved me!!


Yorkshire Gundog Club

Date: 24.02.19
Class: GS G
Judge: Mrs J. Macara

When we got to this show, my mummy found we had to wait for 2 other breeds to be judged before we were able to go in the ring. This was really boring and I couldn't be bothered to be sensible when I got in the ring. The judge asked us to go up and down twice, but mummy said I was still 'all over the place!' Anyway, I didn't get a rossette, but the judge said I moved the best I had on my way out of the ring! Mummy said that was typical, but I didn't know what she meant!!
Still I had met some friends again and had a great play with my big brothers when we got home and then had a sleep!


Ruthin Canine Society

Date: 15.06.19
Classes: GS PG & O Plus Gundog group
Judge:  Sue Hewart-Chambers (Sunhaze) and Carol Moore (Gadhelic)

Well today I saw my Auntie Wendy again...she is mad. She came with us to Crufts this year and came to this show with us too. She gives me lots of kisses and cuddles and takes loads of photos of me which she sends to Auntie Erika because she couldn't come today. Apparently she was jealous!! Anyway, it was about an hour or so to get there and I had a good sleep. The arena was very strange with some of it on hard standing floor and some on grass but all of it was under a bit tent canvas!


I was the only Gordon there so I got 2 super red certificates and rosettes when I had done my strutting stuff. Also, I got a gorgeous BOB rosette with the Welsh Flag on it! After all that, we all had to wait hours for the Gundog group.


There were 20 dogs in the group. It was very unusual for me. Some dogs didn't have to be gone over again as the judge had already seen them, but we all had a turn at running. I was first to go and the lovely lady looked me all over. When I ran she said to my mummy that I needed to go again because I was 'a bit all over the place!' I was just enjoying myself I think. 


Anyway, the judge then shortlisted to 10 dogs and I was in that shortlist. This was the first time for me to get in a short list. Mummy was very pleased and so were daddy and Auntie Wendy. I didn't get a place, but it was super fun.



"BOB: A nicely balanced 2 y/o dog who has a lovely head with a lovely expression and full of character. Good depth of chest with a well-made body and top-line. Coat in lovely condition. Moved freely around the ring."


Flint & Deeside Canine Society Show

Date: 26.08.19
Classes: GS PG/Gundog Group
Judge:  Ginette Oulton (Oulsmi)

Today was reeeaaalllyyy hot. We went to a new show ground today in Hope, Wrexham. The show was held indoors in a horse menage my mummy said. I just know that it was very, very hot in there. My first class there was just me, so I did my showing and running bit. Auntie carol (Moore) said after that I need to do more obedience as I'm not running to heel...whatever that means, but mummy said she would...oh dear. Still I got a lovely red certificate and rosette and a bag of kibble, which my bruv, Brenin, will love. 

After this, when the Open was completed, I went back in against the other Gordon and the lovely judge gave me the BOB rosette, which was all double layered too. I was really happy, even though mummy didn't let me grab it!!!

Then we had to wait ages, nearly 2 hours to go in the Gundog group. There were at least 15 other dogs in the ring too. It took ages. I didn't get shortlisted, but I still enjoyed myself.



"1st  Parker-Smith & Tuer's 'Lignum Evolution at Bratticus.' Nicely balanced young dog, pleasing masculine head but not overdone. Showing depth, correct stop, good eye colour with kind expression, arched neck into shoulders with well boned forelegs. Deep through chest, in good coat and moved well when settled. BOB"


Merseyside Gundog Club Open

Date: 10.11.19

Class: GS PG

Judge: Mr Kevin Swainston (Glenvarna)


Well, what a week I have had this week!

Got a new sister, who smelt very lovely. Apparently, she's in season, that is why I found her so lovely. My poor brain could not cope so I went to stay with Auntie Christine and Auntie Julie at Chrisvale Kennels to help me calm down. When I came home yesterday, I felt much better and just wanted to play with my new sister!


Today we went to a new show ground at Leigh for the show. Only about 40 minutes away. We got there in good time so I could have a really long sniff and smell before I had to do any strutting of my stuff. 


There were 2 of us in our class, the other boy had won BOB in his last show. I was very clam and collected today my mummy said, standing correctly and running with her, not in front of her.


The judge gave me a red rosette, with some food too! Mummy was very happy. After that, I went into the ring with all the other winners and the judge also gave me Reserve Best of Breed certificate! Mummy was really pleased with this especially after the week I have had!




©2018 by Bratticus Gordons.

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