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East of England

Date: 07.07.18
Class: JD/SBD
Judge: Mrs Jenny Millar

Wow, what a journey down here  to Peterborough we had!


We set off on our journey only to get a flat tyre in the first hour. We had to wait for the 'very nice man' to come and take the car, and us, back to the tyre shop. We eventually got going again hours later. We arrived at the B & B near the show at 9:00pm. I had my tea...venison, yum. Mummy said she wasn't impressed with just a pork pie that she had!


Anyway, there were lots of new people at the show. I was very excited. The classes were bigger than normal.The lady judge was lovely and gave me two blue certificates, so 2nd in both classes.


Apparently, I now need to make sure I trot in a straight if I would mess about and not go straight!!



"Really nice head shape, with depth and constructed correctly; dark eyes, correct strength to fore face. Good arched neck to shoulder and well laid back into a firm backline and tail set on well; correctly angulated fore quarters; elbows in on straight well boned legs and tight compact feet. Lovely depth of body with sprung ribs well back into a short loin. Body covered in a lovely textured coal, black coat with some feathering and rich markings. Strong quarters with good return of stifle and hocks. With his construction was surprised that he was inclined to and continued to side wind, however, he did have a good side stride."

©2018 by Bratticus Gordons.

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